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  • 01: Welcome to The Savvy SEO, My Story, & What to Expect

01: Welcome to The Savvy SEO, My Story, & What to Expect

Thanks for being an early subscriber to The Savvy SEO newsletter.

A huge thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free:  

AccountsBalance is a service that takes monthly bookkeeping off your plate for affordable prices. They help you understand your monthly numbers so you can scale faster. Check it out.

And Outsource School, a course and membership that’s helped 1,000s hire virtual talent from the Philippines. Get their free hiring packet.

Woo! The Savvy SEO newsletter is finally here!

Thanks for your patience while I got everything together.

In January 2023, I started posting about SEO on LinkedIn and it’s quickly turned into 35,000+ followers & millions of impressions.

I’ve been blown away by the reception so first off, “thank you”.

I’m on a mission to make SEO & marketing simpler for millions.

The Savvy SEO Newsletter is the next step in the plan.

But before we dive into what you’ll get out of The Savvy SEO, let me tell you a bit about me.

Who is Connor Gillivan?

Yo yo, it’s me, Connor. Just another crazy SEO & entrepreneur like you.

I live in Denver, Colorado in the US with my wife, Lauren, and our cat, Boomer, and dog, Willow.

From a young age, I’ve been into sports, working, learning, & writing.

Soccer was my first love & I played it competitively through high school. Today, I run marathons, bike, and hike regularly.

Working was my second love. My first job was landscaping for my cousin and his business. That led me into starting my first business mowing lawns when I was 16.

And writing was my third love. I got my first journal when I was 15 and I’ve been writing daily ever since.

I studied Economics & Math in college (or uni for you across the pond) and it led me to meeting my business partner, Nathan Hirsch.

For the past 12 years, Nathan and I have been building businesses.

  • Portlight: Dropshipping eCommerce business on Amazon. (Built to $25M+ total sales)

  • FreeUp: Freelance marketplace for eCommerce & marketing freelancers. (Acquired by The HOTH in 2019).

  • HG Ventures: Growth consulting for small businesses.

  • Outsource School: Teaching businesses how to hire & scale with virtual talent from the Philippines.

  • EcomBalance & AccountsBalance: Helping eCommerce & online business owners better understand their financials w/ monthly bookkeeping.

  • ConnorGillivan.com: Making SEO simpler for millions.

  • TrioSEO: SEO agency launching soon 👀 

I stumbled into SEO in 2014 while scaling FreeUp and I became obsessed!

It’s been a driving factor for growing our businesses and I love teaching it to others.

We’re on a mission to build a portfolio of 10+ B2B cash flowing & profitable companies in the next 10 years.

Outside of work, I love traveling & have been fortunate to make it all over the US & to Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, St. Martin, the Philippines, South Africa, and a handful of countries in Europe.

But enough about me!

Let’s get back to The Savvy SEO!

The Savvy SEO | What to Expect

The Savvy SEO is a weekly newsletter sharing:

  • SEO strategies & systems

  • Specific SEO processes

  • SEO case studies

  • SEO interviews

  • SEO tool reviews

  • SEO term breakdowns

All from my 1st hand experience running SEO for my businesses.

You can expect:

  • 1 weekly newsletter at 7 am EST every Sunday

  • High quality, high value

  • 2-4 mins read time

  • Actionable content

  • Tutorial videos

  • Downloadable SOPs

  • No spam or BS

Who’s it best for:

  • SEO Managers, Directors, & Assistants

  • CMOs & Marketers

  • Entrepreneurs & business owners

  • Aspiring SEOs & freelancers

If you ever have any questions, feel free to reply directly to the newsletter and I’ll personally answer as soon as I’m able to.

Action Steps

Just 1 for today: Add [email protected] to your No Spam list on email so that it comes into your inbox each week.

Thanks for being a part of the community!


P.S. Know someone that would like The Savvy SEO? Help me out & let them know 🙂 

Whenever you’re ready, here’s 3 ways I can help you:

1. My SEO Course: Launching in Q4 2023. Stay tuned for updates.

2. My SEO Agency: Want help with your SEO? I’m launching an SEO agency, TrioSEO, very soon. Share your info & I’ll reach out with next steps. Get started here.

3. Sponsorship: Promote yourself to 3,000+ SEOs, marketers, & entrepreneurs by sponsoring this newsletter.