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  • 13: My 19 Point Checklist for Optimizing Your Blog Articles

13: My 19 Point Checklist for Optimizing Your Blog Articles

Make optimizing blogs for SEO simpler.

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Hey Savvy friends!

One of the biggest mistakes I see in SEO is failing to optimize blog content for SEO.

SEOs and Marketers go through all of the trouble of writing the content, but don’t take the extra 30 minutes to make sure it’s 100% optimized.

BIG. Missed. Opportunity.

Today, I’m sharing my 21 Point Blog Optimization Checklist.

I've built this over 10+ yrs while scaling my companies w/ SEO & content.

We now use it at TrioSEO for our clients.

Save, download, and use this to level up your SEO content.

#1: 1k - 2k Total Wordcount

As a general rule of thumb, aim for 1,500 words for each article. No fluff. High value. Speaking to a specific reader.

Note: Adjust this wordcount target based on who’s already winning on the 1st page SERPs.

#2: Proper spacing for readability

People don't like paragraphs. Keep content to 1-2 lines. Less is more. Write for skimmers.

#3: Use H1s, H2s, H3s, and H4s

Your headings guide the reader. Use them to the content's advantage. Add value even if someone just reads the headings.

#4: Optimize for keyword clusters

Have 1 focus keyword. Then have 2-10 others you're using within the article too. Will help rank for more keywords.

#5: 2+ external links

Link out to 2+ high authority websites. If you mention a company, link to them. Reference industry sites for further explanation.

#6: 3+ internal links

Link to 3+ relevant pages on your site. Give the reader a reason to stay on your site and keep learning.

#7: 4+ images with alt tags

Part of SEO is the reading experience. Add 4+ images to break up text and add value to the reader. Optimize the alt tag.

#8: 1 captivating featured image

Create an engaging featured image for every post. This will bring readers in and make you look more professional.

#9: Simple, short permalink

Make your permalink the keyword you're targeting. Don't have a long permalink no one can remember.

#10: Lead magnet offer

Build a lead magnet offer into your blog article design. This will turn readers into subscribers and potential leads.

#11: Complementary video

Use one of your own or find a high value video on Youtube and embed it in the article.

#12: Meta data & description

Look at competitor meta data and optimize yours to be different and engaging.

#13: Optimize for mobile

Make your mobile reading experience as good as for desktop and tablet.

#14: Make a killer hook

Your first 4 sentences should capture the reader, hook them, and push them to read more.

#15: Write to 1 specific reader

Know your ideal reader. Write to them w/ each article. Focus in and be specific.

#16: Add FAQ for PAA rankings

Add a FAQ to the end of each blog going off People also ask questions so you can rank for them too.

#17: Target featured snippets

Research featured snippets and add content to rank for them on 1st page.

#18: Insert personal stories

Make your content relatable. Add stories from your own experiences.

#19: Add exit intent offer

Put an Exit Intent pop up on each blog to turn blog readers into email subscribers.

In Summary

If you want to win in SEO, you need to take it a step further.

You can’t just write, publish, and rank.

You need to write, OPTIMIZE, publish, then rank.

This 19 point Blog Optimization Checklist is your starting point.

Action Steps

Action Step #1: Copy and Paste this 19 Point Blog Optimization Checklist into your own Google doc. Add it as a Bookmark on your browser. Use it to optimize ALL blog content going forward.

Action Step #2: Improve this checklist. As you continue learning SEO, add more steps to the checklist!

Happy SEO’ing!



P.S. I’m launching my SEO course soon. Thanks for all of your support so far. More details coming soon!

Whenever you’re ready, here’s 3 ways I can help you:

1. My SEO Course: Learn the exact SEO system I’ve used to scale multiple companies to 6, 7, & 8 figures in sales. Coming soon!

2. TrioSEO: Hire me & my team to create SEO content for your business. We’ll create a comprehensive SEO plan, execute, & keep you updated so your business gains more traffic, leads, & sales. Get a Free SEO Audit.

3. Promote yourself to 4,500+ SEOs, marketers, & entrepreneurs by sponsoring this newsletter. (Booked out 1 month). Email me for info.